Mastering Linux Networking Commands

Mastering Linux Networking Commands

Unraveling the Power of Linux Networking Tools


Throughout my software development journey, I've frequently ventured into the world of Linux networking. These commands, from checking IP addresses to diagnosing connectivity issues, have been cornerstones in my daily tasks. In this article, we'll delve into a comprehensive list of Linux networking commands, their functionalities, and practical applications.

ifconfig: Interface Configuration

ifconfig (interface configuration) is used for viewing and configuring network interface parameters.


# Display all network interfaces and their details
$ ifconfig

# Display details of a specific interface, e.g., eth0
$ ifconfig eth0

netstat: Network Statistics

netstat displays network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, and more.


# Display all active connections
$ netstat -a

# Show all listening ports
$ netstat -l

ping: Packet Internet Groper

ping tests the connectivity between two nodes using ICMP.


# Ping a specific IP address or domain
$ ping

ip: IP Routing Utility

The ip command is a versatile tool for IP address management and has largely replaced ifconfig in newer systems.


# Show IP addresses
$ ip addr show

# Show routing table
$ ip route show

traceroute: Trace Route of Packets

traceroute displays the path that packets take to reach a network host.


# Trace route to a specific domain or IP
$ traceroute

ss: Socket Statistics

ss is a utility to investigate sockets and has replaced netstat in many modern systems.


# Display all active connections
$ ss -tuln

dig: DNS Lookup Utility

dig (Domain Information Groper) is a tool for querying DNS nameservers.


# Query DNS records for a domain
$ dig

Comparison Table: Command Purposes

CommandPrimary Purpose
ifconfigConfigure and display network interface parameters.
netstatDisplay network statistics, connections, and ports.
pingTest connectivity between two nodes.
ipIP address and routing management.
tracerouteDisplay the path of packets to a network host.
ssInvestigate sockets.
digQuery DNS nameservers.


Linux networking commands are fundamental for anyone working in IT or software development. These tools, from ifconfig to dig, have been instrumental in my experiences, enabling efficient network management, troubleshooting, and configuration. Mastery of these commands is a testament to one's proficiency in the Linux environment.



  1. Why is ifconfig missing from my newer Linux system?

    • Newer Linux distributions have transitioned to the ip command, making ifconfig obsolete. You can use ip addr show as an alternative.
  2. How can I get detailed DNS information for a domain?

    • The dig command is perfect for this. Simply use dig to retrieve detailed DNS information.